My Top 5 ... Underwater Scenes

I like water a lot. And my shower scenes and swimming pool posts both made me thirsty for more water, so here we go! I could also have put "My Top 5 ... Drowning Scenes" in the title (for that is what most of them are about), but that seemed a bit too morbid?

You may have noticed there is a surprising amount of people (almost) drowning in KDrama. When somebody drowns - I am sorry, almost drowns - it is almost always to mark a turning-point in the story. A bit more poetic, you could say it often symbolizes re-birth ... even if it is as an amnesiac.

All the almost-drowning scenes I know have the same eerie beauty to them: the blue of the water, usually a light shining from above, a body sinking, sometimes struggling ...

Here are five underwater scenes i.e. almost-drowning-scenes from KDrama

You’re Beautiful

My first cross-dresser drama. Loved it. And I will always fondly remember the days when Jang Geun-suk wasn't yet crazy. In this particular scene from episode 4, Mi-nyeo jumps into the pool to avoid discovery as a girl and Tae-kyung saves her from drowning (cause the stupid girl holds her breath for too long. Well, not very likely to happen anytime soon in real life, but hey, who cares! It's KDrama!). She then almost drowns him because she kicks him with her feet. lol.

Time Between Dog and Wolf 

I still can't believe it took me so long to watch this gem. Awesome drama. But how come Lee Jun-ki doesn't age?! It's a mistery I still need to solve ... In this scene, black agent Lee Soo Hyun / Kay has been shot at, hurts his head badly, and him and his car disappear into the ocean. Amnesia results. I love how dark and bottomless the sea seems. And I love the sinking elephant, lost to him, which symbolizes his link to his previous life and his love, for whom he is carving the elephant.

Rooftop Prince

Ahhh, Rooftop Prince! How awesome you were ... before you weren't! Drowning plays an important role in this drama because in drowning, the two fates are linked. This scene from episode 1 shows this link (though the drama watchers at the time had no clue what was going on). This is the only one among the scene here that involve a real drowning, unfortunately. And of course the woman has to drown. Duh.

Arang and the Magistrate

These two scenes from Arang and the Magistrate are the odd ones out. And they are also my favorite. It's re-birth alright, but it's not so much almost-drowning. Arang finally gets to confront the Gods about her fate and gets a second chance - after diving to the depth of the underworld, she is thrown from the skies in a yin yang ball and emerges naked from a lake in a Sailor Moon-esque moment.


In this scene in Episode 8, Young has one of his ice-world dreams, where he meets his father and talks to him. When he steps closer to his father, the ice suddenly cracks underneath him and breaks, and he falls into the water. He struggles (see below), but suddenly, he is out, and the ice is gone. It symbolizes his re-birth as a caring and loving man. And that's a good cue: could the ice here also soon melt, please? I've had enough of winter! I want to go swim in the lake!
So... why isn't Boys over Flowers on this list, you ask yourself? (or maybe not, but I'm telling you anyway). A Top 5 list is a Top 5 list. There's only 5 items on the list. Most of the times. Unless it's a shower scene post. Or ... this post. Here's your bonus!

Boys over Flowers

This is the amnesia-curing moment. And it's a pretty good almost-drowning scene. You know what makes me laugh all over again? How they all come running out and stand around the pool. Doing absolutely nothing (not in the gif). Yay! That's what friends are for!
This is it for now ... I am working on at least two more posts in the series "Men and Water" - stay tuned!